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These web resources have varying degrees of assistance.  Some are better than others.  However, no one, except the Word itself (that includes R&V) has the corner on "truth".  Use these as needed and as always, check what you learn with scripture.


Send us suggestions, we will review and post them if we feel they are appropriate.

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Excellent ministry resource that features Tim Hegg and Ariel Berkowitz.  TR has commentaries on every Parashat reading, summer classes, certificate programs, and MANY topics of interest.

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Daniel Thompson's teachings showing the harmony of scriptures and offering insights into Torah, Tanach, and Brit Hadasha (New Testament).

This is a Messianic fellowship that is devoted to teaching the truth of the scriptures.  Their desire is to help others rediscover the rich heritage as those who have been Grafted Into God's Olive Tree Israel.  This is a simple and straight forward site.


Important Resources that may Help You on Your Walk

Joel's YouTube Channel featuring many interviews and teachings.  He is currently in a series on Revelation that is fascinating.

Great video ministry dedicated to separating the truth of scripture from the ways of man that we have inherited in the present day "church".  This is Lex Meyer's teaching site.  He is very open to talking with anyone that contacts him and loves sharing scriptures.  You can even call him up and chat.

The En-Gedi Resource Center is an educational ministry that helps Christians grow in their understanding of the Bible and their Messiah, Jesus, by providing resources to study them within their original context. Founded by Bruce Okkema and Lois Tverberg, two laypersons whose lives were transformed by their encounter with Christ in his context, En-Gedi sought out excellent teachers and ministry leaders who could share their wisdom with its audience.

The Old Testament (Tanach) is the Holy Scripture that Jesus (Yeshua, in Hebrew) taught from, and His Disciples referred to, since there was no New Testament until well after the time of the Apostles that succeeded Him. The Old and New Testaments are inseparable and only when used together do we have a complete, unified, divinely-inspired Bible. Torah Class cross-references the Torah and Old Testament passages with New Testament passages to reveal their seamless continuity. - Tom Bradford

Avi ben Mordechai's Youtube channel filled with teaching from a Hebrew perspective and unique insights into the scriptures.

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