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Articles that Present a Hebraic Understanding of Scripture

The purpose of this page is to present articles that not only offer a Torah approach but also to present them in an order that will open understanding of the need for this approach. 


We recommend that you not take any information in these articles as fact.  As Paul discussed about the Bereans in Acts 17:11
"Now the people here were of nobler character than the ones in Thessalonica; they eagerly welcomed the message, checking the Tanakh every day to see if the things Sha’ul was saying were true."
Test scripture in context. Cross reference with other passages and do not rest until you are past understanding.


Categories include: Hebrew vs Greek mindset, Lacking in Depth, Law and Grace, What is Torah, Sabbath, Moedim (Appointed Times), New Testament Understanding, Going Forward, and More.


Much has been made of the difference between eastern and western thought.  Here are a few articles that discuss these differences.


There is a lot of discussion as to the Torah.  Yes, it is the first five books of the Old Testament or Tenach.  But what is it? What does it represent about Adonai?  Is it Law or Instructions?  Some, because of  potential to call it "Instructions" refer to the entire Bible as "Torah"


Ariel Berkowitz (PDF document - formatted in British A4 size)

Any discussion on the subject of Torah almost always mentions Sha’ul’s Letter to the Galatians. Many assert that this letter absolutely prohibits the practices of the first five books of the Bible by believers in Yeshua or that the Torah can have a meaningful place in the everyday life of the believer. Because of this thinking we thought it would be helpful to present a different approach to the Book of Galatians, one which we think is more in tune with the tenor of the rest of Scripture.

An accurate study of Galatians is a good exercise in observing context. There are two kinds of context that we need to examine: 1) that of the entire book itself , specifically how the book states and develops its theme, and 2) that of the immediate context of any given passage.

JK McKee (PDF document)

Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill

J.K. McKee (PDF document)

All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify


This article from the BibleProject does a great job of not only discussing the implications of the predicted exile, but also in the process discusses the purpose of the entire Tanach

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